Серьёзные знакомства Sitelove
Наталья запретила просмотр своих фотографий незарегистрированным посетителям и неактивированным пользователям.
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Наталья из города Донецкая, 47 лет
1 фото


, 47 лет, Овен
Донецкая (Донецкая обл.)

Цель знакомства:
Серьёзные отношения

Семейное положение:

Наличие детей:
Есть ребёнок

167 см.

52 кг.

Цвет волос:

Цвет глаз:

Отношение к курению:
Не курит

Отношение к алкоголю:
Только по праздникам

Среднее специальное


дизайнер одежды.

I am a devoted and passionate person. I don&& rsquo; t like to stop on the half way and I always try to dedicate myself completely to whatever I am doing, whether it is love and romance or it is my work. I am intelligent, I can keep a conversation on any topic, and I find interest in everything. I like to laugh, to appreciate the things life offers to me. I am honest and I appreciate if people are honest with me. I search for a man who is ready for serious relationship and creating the family, who knows what he wants, a man who needs a real woman by his side that will bring new emotions into his life, that will fill his every day with love, that will support him in his decisions. And from the other side I hope that this man will bring some new feelings into my life, that he will be reliable and caring. I respect a man with high moral qualities and dignity.